
This is an equipment which beams (Broadcasts) content in high definition either interactively or One-way. As you must already be knowing, only to connect an OT to a Conference room or hotel in the same city, would cost you almost around 1.5 lacs, which we believe is a huge cost in itself that too getting only one location connected, within the city due to the geographical limitation of optic fiber, for Q & A (Interactive learning) with the surgeon or the presenter in some cases. In some other cases Satellite devices are used which have an exorbitantly high costs, BUT when you connect a MFCME GRANT EQUIPMENT, it enables you to connect 5 such locations interactively anywhere in the world and 1000 one way (non interactive) audience. Which is more than hundred times the capacity and subsidized usage prices.

This equipment can be connected to any surgical camera, take an input and relay live. Normally the surgical cameras stream videos in different formats, but this equipment converts any or all formats to high definition and delivers. This equipment has been developed for the sole purpose of enhancing and giving better quality education, not only to the resident students and doctors within campus but fraternity members worldwide.

Grant installation for Medical Fraternity in Continuing Medical Education (MFCME) will also help rural locations to get connected to multi-specialty and super-specialty hospitals without the limitation of geographical boundaries.
The main point of concern in India & other developing countries is the lack of connectivity, it might stretch from network to other things. The MFCME grant is developed on such grounds that meager internet bandwidth is required for transmission, bet it interactive or one way.
